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Our Mission and Values


SOAR is a not for profit organization which campaigns to stop the over use of psychiatric medications within neuro-divergent populations.


Our Mission:  Reduce the over use of psychiatric medications in autistic people as well as members of other neuro-minorities.   By doing so we can reduce serious health risks and other negative consequences of overmedication.




Research consistently shows that autistic people and members of other neuro-minorities are more likely to be given these drugs than other people, and that over-reliance on psychiatric medication to can lead to detrimental consequences for these individuals. 



Goals of SOAR include educating and empowering neuro-divergent individuals, their family members/supports, and professionals to:


  • Better understand the potential risks of using psychiatric medications to manage behavior challenges, mood regulation and other issues faced by neuro-divergent individuals


  • Increase awareness of, and access to, other (non-medication) ways to support people 


  • Reduce/eliminate the use of medication for purposes of modifying behaviours that are atypical but are not harmful


  • Support acceptance, inclusion, stigma reduction and accommodation of diversity at all levels of society.


  • Empower neuro-divergent individuals to play an active role in medical and other decisions affecting their lives


  • Encourage neuro-divergent individuals, allies and professionals to work together to ensure that each individual is getting the best support for them.


  • Identify and seek to ameliorate factors contributing to overmedication, including limited access to alternate treatments, caregiver stress, social stigma and reduced opportunities experienced by members of neuro minorities

Statement of Values


  • SOAR recognizes the worth and potential of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, neuro-type, ability etc.


  • SOAR strives to include all individuals wishing to support our mission.  We actively seek representation from a broad range of neuro-types within our employees, volunteers, Board of Directors and Community Advisory Council.


  • SOAR supports each individual's right to be involved in their own treatment decisions  and to be respected for their choices.   While striving to reduce instances of overmedication, SOAR acknowledges that appropriate use of psychiatric medication may provide significant benefits in some situations, as part of a comprehensive treatment and support plan.  



  • In pursuing its mission, SOAR directs all initiatives toward enhancing the quality of life for individuals with autism and other neuro-divergent conditions.

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