SOAR is a non-profit organization that works to reduce the over-prescription of psychiatric medications to autistic people as well as members of other neuro-minorities.
Our Goal: to help build a brighter future for neuro-diverse individuals by reducing serious health risks and other negative consequences of overmedication.
Our Three Pillars:
We aim to help improve access to a range of services and interventions, thereby reducing overreliance on medication to address mood, behavioral and other challenges. We campaign to increase the availability of non-pharmaceutical forms of treatment and support in medical, educational and other settings .
Soar believes every Canadian should be well-informed about any medication they are advised to take and about available non-medical treatment options so that they can participate in responsible
decision making about their own health and well-being. To make this vision a reality, we develop educational materials and host educational events for neuro-diverse individuals family and caregivers
and for the health professionals involved in their care.
Social Action
We develop programming aimed at reducing stigma, alleviating caregiver stress, and enhancing inclusion, acceptance and accommodation. We believe that significant strides in preventing over medication will happen when these underlying social factors are appropriately addressed.
Why We Do What We Do
Every year, Canadians diagnosed with autism, ADHD and other forms of neuro- divergence are harmed by the over-prescription of psychiatric medications, leading to unnecessary hospitalizations, chronic health issues, and in a few tragic cases, death.
SOAR works to help people make informed decisions about medication and to enhance access to other (non-medication) ways to support people. Our vision is that neuro-divergent individuals, allies and professionals will work together to ensure that each individual is getting the best treatment and support for them. Experience shows that with access to a range of treatment and support options, some individuals currently treated with psychiatric medications may be able to successfully reduce the amount of medication needed – or even go off medication completely - while continuing to function well and enjoy good quality of life.
The pamphlet you provided contained great information that I find extremely beneficial in my situation and what I’m currently going through – let alone how valuable I would have found it at the outset of my child being diagnosed. I’m actually going to employ some of these points in my conversation with the pediatrician today!
- Parent of a Recently Diagnosed Child
" Great to have a list of resources – one could need that list many times in the journey after diagnosis!
- Mother exploring treatment options
"The talk with the Doctor went better than I was expecting, so I’m thankful for speaking up and asking the questions I wanted answers to. Thanks again for everything!
- Self Advocate who has benefited from our materials